“The 1:1 time...was priceless to me as a leader. I felt like I had a coach, mentor, consultant, teammate, and strategist all in one! Our team dynamic radically changed during this process.”
The Challenge
Destination 2030: Atlanta Mission faced the critical task of defining its role and impact within Atlanta's ecosystem to combat poverty, addiction and homelessness over the next decade. With a strong reputation, an innovative model for ending homelessness, and an 85-year legacy, Atlanta Mission aimed to chart a visionary path forward.
Testing Assumptions as a Lever for Greater Impact: The team was curious to examine long-standing assumptions with fresh eyes. They challenged assumptions across all facets of the organization - from how they are funded to who they serve to how they partner. Some questions on the table:
What will the future face of homelessness in Atlanta look like by 2030?
How should Atlanta Mission evolve its service models to best support the changing demographics?
What staffing, funding, and facilities will be most effective?
What metrics will define success and guide progress?
Strategically Aligning a Large Organization and Powerful Board: Achieving alignment among stakeholders was crucial to drive transformative change. Springboard facilitated discussions and framed strategic choices, tradeoffs, and scenarios for the board, donors, and service teams alike.
Leadership, Commitment, and Cohesion: Atlanta Mission's leadership embraced new ways of thinking and working together to spark organizational change. The team honed their new habits of radical collaboration, transparency, and accountability as stewards of this vision.
Mindset Shifts Toward Innovation and Learning: The coming decade in Atlanta will see population and job growth, rising housing pressure on our lowest-income neighbors, and increasing homelessness. To ensure success, the leadership team is committed to working in new ways, with a mindset of innovation, experimentation, and continuous learning. This adaptive approach will allow them to respond quickly to changing community needs.
Choices and Tradeoffs: Atlanta Mission made bold decisions that will serve them well in the future — who they serve, how they are funded, and how they partner. For example, they chose to diversify their funding sources to include public funding alongside private contributions drawing new resources to the Mission and our city.
How Did We Do It?
Our approach was unique and custom-made to Atlanta Mission's needs. Extensive research and stakeholder insights informed our approach, complemented by interactive workshops that engaged stakeholders at all levels.
We strongly believe in deploying workshops to gather feedback and ensure buy-in. Without buy-in, your strategy investment is at risk.
Where are they Now?
In January 2024, the Atlanta Mission's Board approved its ambitious 2030 Strategic Plan. The organization has already begun implementing initiatives. The future Atlanta Mission will open its doors to new populations, and provide new programs in upgraded facilities to break cycles of homelessness, addiction, and poverty.
Learn more about the Atlanta Mission at