Everyone reaches the point where they need to break up with their old life. I imagine the conversation like a college breakup. "Life, it's me. We need to talk". "This just isn't working for me. I've changed. I know you'll find someone who appreciates you, and you two will be happy together".
Three Things You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition
You’ve Been Designing All Your Life
Are We Resilient Yet?
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about resilience and wondering, "Are we resilient yet?" For insight, I've turned to Brene Brown's book “Rising Strong, how the ability to reset transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead”. She outlines three steps to build resilience: The Reckoning, The Rumble, and The Revolution
Small Business Owner’s Secret? Grit and Patience
How can you think long-term in a world where change is constant? The solutions lie in two things: Grit and Patience.